New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Custom settings have been added to the Star Blueprint for Base Ship Production.
2. A pre-allocation feature has been added under the Utility Ship intelligent management module.
3. A new overview list has been added to the Ship Management interface, allowing Explorers to view the allocation of all produced ships.
4. Optimizations for Cross-system Expedition Gameplay.
5. A new Side Mission has been added: "Performance Test".
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1.The Twin Festival is coming soon, and Twin Festival celebration event will be available during the festival.
2.Optimized recruitment-related features for Squads and Orgs.
3.Optimized fleet model display on the Expanse.
4.Optimized the Utility Ship mining process.
5.When retiring ships at the Base, it now supports quick retirement of aircraft equipped on the carrier.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Added the behavior for exploration points of different danger levels in the Star System map.
2. Optimized the operation and display of the Blueprint System Enhancement.
3. Increased the Metal and Crystal Storage Cap of the main Base facilities, Warehouse and Warehouse II.
4. Optimized the visual presentation of series missions and time-limited missions in Apex Missions.
5. Apex Blueprint interaction and display optimization.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Optimized the feet production interaction. Added the feature to quickly add missing ships to production based on the fleet lineup.
2. In the Cross-system Expedition gameplay, Explorers whose System Influence reaches the "Cross-system Intervener" and "Cluster Ruler" levels can claim the corresponding rewards.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Angulum Cluster Gameplay Update.
2. Optimized the Blueprint Enhancement Plan.
3. Added buttons to switch to view the previous/next system when viewing the weapon system in the Blueprint interface.
4. Optimized the Antontas Navigation jump function.
5. Increased the cap for the first-time Path to Apex missions.
6. Optimized the Fleet Status display for friendly reinforcements.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Optimized the action logic of Privateer faction fleets.
2. Optimized the effect of the Neutral facility "Encrypted Communication Center".
3. Optimized the display of activated Docking Points.
4. The Privateer Strike Leaderboard will post the Battle Report for the current battle.
5. Added recommended equipment sets and usage guides for returning Explorers when they select temporary equipment.
6. New side mission: "Far-Away Distress Call".
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Cross-system Expedition Gameplay is now live.
2. New "Individual Registration" gameplay added to the Angulum Cluster.
3. Optimized the interaction display effects in the team camp.
4. Added the display of exclusive Cosmetic Item unlocks in the Apex Level interface.
5. Optimized the display effects of Tech Files research results.
6. Adjusted the maximum number of fleets that can be docked simultaneously in the Main Base.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Introduction of the New 3D Space Mechanism.
2. Space Station Defense Fleet Adjustments.
3. Blueprint Apex Level Gameplay Is Officially Live.
4. Prospection Interface Interaction Optimizations.
5. Returning Explorers can choose 1 Super Capital Ship and 1 Capital Ship/Aircraft when selecting temporary blueprints.
6. The chat channel on the Expanse no longer has a yellow dot to indicate new messages.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1.The blueprints originally contained in the "Black Market Tech Files" and "Black Market Tech Files 2.0" will be filtered according to the tech routes and added to the store as rotating Black Market Tech Files.
2. The "Escort" command can protect fleets that are prospecting or building.
3. Added a feature of quick access to Tech Files in the research screen.
4. Added the "Halt" function for sailing fleets.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Added a "Realistic Mode" option in display settings.
2. Black Market Tech Files and Black Market Tech Files 2.0 obtained through the Dawn Funding program will come with the "Quick" attribute.
3. Added a new feature "Control Effects" in the Resource Yield overview.
4. Optimized the coordinate sharing feature for channels, personal chat, and mail. When the coordinates of a map object are shared, its specific name will be displayed.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Optimized the Sparkle Push Message feature, allowing users to set whether the Sparkle messages will be expanded. Also, optimized the frequency of Sparkle push messages.
2. For the Returning Explorer's temporary blueprints, the corresponding ship type's Tech Point items can now be used on them to upgrade their Version Number. When the temporary blueprint expires, the invested Tech Point Items will be refunded.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Adjustments to Sub-Fleet Building Features.
2. Auxiliary Ship Feature Adjustment.
3. Optimized the escort feature. When transferred together with an escort fleet of the same Explorer, the two fleets will mobilize in unison with the same sailing speed.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Rules and Contents adjustments for the Strategic Assets Technology Achievement Exhibition event.
2. Core Interface now allows carrying equipment with similar effects at the same time.
3. B-Level Strategic Assets now have the component upgrade feature enabled.
4. For "Strategic Asset Squad Visit", adjusted the rewards from intel quests for the asset squad, increasing the probability of obtaining B-Level and A-Level Equipment.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Optimization of the sub-fleet feature and adjustments to its rules.
2. Added a display for production bonus value and their sources on the Ship Production screen.
3. The Blueprint List screen will save the display settings for Details Mode.
4. Optimized the display rules for the Exploration Preparation button on the Lagrange interface.
5. Optimized the model visuals of fleets on the Expanse.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Added a feature that allows players to share Squad Recruitment information to Personal and Group Channels.
2. Added a feature that allows players to filter by group when directly recruiting members within an Org.
3. A new entry for the Campfire Hub has been added to the game login screen.
4. Added the display of participant count and distance for Community Agreements on the Star System Agreement page.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Balance adjustments for Chimera - Heavy Cruiser and Reliat - Rapid Torpedo Frigate.
2. Optimized the description and display for certain blueprints.
3. Added a feature to preview the effects of enhancements and adjustments by tapping the adjustments even when the system adjustments or enhancements are not unlocked yet.
4. Adjusted the level requirements for unlocking Base Zone 2, reducing the building level requirements.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Added a new feature for quickly unloading aircraft on the Aircraft Allocation screen.
2. Org Leaders who are currently exploring will receive a "Group Reminder", reminding them to sort out their Orgs for a smoother transition from Orgs to Squads when the new social and team gameplay becomes available.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Loot distribution optimizations.
2. Added a feature that allows the Explorer to select how many Action Points to allocate when delegating fleets under Command Operations. Added a feature that allows the Explorer to delegate a fleet again after recalling it.
3. Added the Batch Gifting, Batch Fertilizer Production, and Batch Seed Extraction operations to the Vivarium for greater convenience.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. The Twin Festival event is now available.
2. Optimization for Quests.
3. Added the ""Mare Imbrium - Assault Frigate"" Blueprint to the Enterprise BP Files available for exchange in the Dawn Points Store.
4. Added auction number display in both Loot Auction and Star System Auction for better reference; added Sparkle Tips at the beginning and the end of an auction.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Ship Speed Mechanism Update
2. Speed Adjustments for Certain Ships and Enhancement Adjustments.
3. New systems and System Enhancements have been added to X8 - Small Utility Ship, X10 - Medium Utility Ship, and X20 - Large Utility Ship.
4. Galactic Faction Behavior Optimizations.
5. You can now filter by ship type on the page showing HP changes in the battle report.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Optimized the perspective feature for fleets and ships in the Tactical View, allowing Explorers to choose specific perspectives for viewing.
2. Optimized the icon display of Aircraft in the Tactical View.
3. Added a feature to copy text in the chat channel.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Sci-Fi Carnival is officially available.
2. Added a return point feature. Construction operations where fleets have docked will be recorded as fleet return points. Upon retreat, fleets can opt to fall back to the return point or the base.
3. When disbanding fleets at the base, multiple fleets can be selected at once.
4. Added the Star System Limited Techs of the current star system in the Star System Agreement.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Game Balance Adjustments.
2. Added 3 additional Eris I - Cannon Type Destroyers to the Jupiter Tech Support Pack without changing the existing content of the pack. The new ships will be issued directly to the Explorer Base's Port after the purchase is completed.
3. Commencement of the Crux Biosphere Research Park Self-sustaining Construction Experiment.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Official launch of the Lagrange Campfire Hub (Community).
2. Optimized the display effects of the information page when viewing map objects in Expanse and Tactical View.
New features and adjustments for some star systems:
1. Warp Drive Launch Vehicle Supply Adjustments
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Adjusted some planet names and optimized graphics.
2. Optimized the action effects of ship engines in Expanse and Tactical View.
3. Ships that trigger Emergency Evasion in the sub-fleet will retreat to the Base after the battle ends.
4. Added tips on the distance from the operation to nearby buildings and fleets in the Operation screen.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Dawn Celebration - Shuttle Through Antontas - Competition Stage Test Flight Now Available
2. Dawn Celebration - Shuttle Through Antontas - Org Challenge Now Available
New features and adjustments for some star systems:
1. Added a Saboteur marking gameplay to the Angulum Cluster.
2. Replaced Main Shipyard 3 with the Joint Production Shipyard in the Angulum Cluster.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Added a color mode to Expanse.
2. Added a text description of the Org type on Org-related screens.
3. The number of Fighters, Corvettes, and reinforcing ships are now displayed in the fleet details information.
4. Optimized the flight actions of the aircraft.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Added Utility Ship Management feature.
2. Adjusted the Angulum Cluster Emergency Evasion rules. Some storage items will now be retained when a fleet carries out the Emergency Evasion in Angulum.
3. Added information description and double confirm features when carrying out Base Reconstruction.
4. Optimized the signing screen of the Angulum Adventure Agreement.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Mining Adjustments
2. Now Available: Firing Drills Event
3. Added a Production Queue feature for ships.
4. Added an animation that changes the model of ships that have fully upgraded Blueprints.
5. To commemorate an ancient festival of the Terran Sphere, added Evergreen Bamboo as a new type of product that can be planted in Vivarium Planting.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Added the Consecutive Warp Drive feature so that fleets can consume all required Action Points at once to reach their destination through a number of consecutive warps.
2. Dawn Funding Program Activeness adjustments.
3. When retiring ships in the port, it is now possible to select multiple ships to retire them at the same time.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Earth Day is officially available!
1) Crux Biosphere Research Park Self-sustaining Construction Experiment
2) Warp Bells
3) 10,000 New Seedlings Joint Conservation Operation
4) Explorers' Party - Return Server Event
5) Other Return Events and Feature Adjustments
6) Earth Day Trade Fair
Adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Ship Adjustments
2. System Attack Mechanism Adjustments
3. When a ship is being repaired during the battle, its armor (Armor value) can increase the HP Recovery. The higher the armor, the higher the amount of HP recovered.
4. Ship HP Adjustment
5. New Variant Model Blueprints
6. Ship Blueprint Firepower Stats Display Optimization
7. Optimized the model and quantity display in some ship system modules
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Added the self-introduction of Exploration Assistant when being used for the first time.
Bug Fixed:
1. Fixed an issue where the docking effect within the range of space station operation was abnormal in certain situations.
2. Fixed an issue where abnormal migration to the contested space station operation range was possible in certain situations.
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. The Share Blueprint screen, Livery Management screen, Tech Point Research screen, and ships equipped with liveries will have a display preview feature, showing the ship's appearance after the livery is applied.
2. Adjusted the sorting rules in the Ship Blueprint screen to display the blueprints of ships in active service first.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. Livery can be displayed in the Ship Production screen and Battle Report screen when applied, please update to the latest version to experience.
2. Added a new feature of wiki system to recognize and underline keywords, which can run quick query with one click.
New addition and adjustment details across some star systems:
1. New gameplay: Nova Agreement is open for registration in Pioneers System
2.Org Property Gameplay Updates
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Added a description of the sailing range to the Base expansion effect in Construction.
2. The base relocation CD will reset after the first emergency evasion of the Base within every 24 hours.
3. Adjustments to Individual Rating Agreement missions:
Changed the completion condition of the "Faction Report 4/4" mission "Log in for 45 days" to "Log in for 40 days" instead.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. The new flagship gameplay is now available:
1) Added the Flagship feature:
Flagships can be manually designated when creating a fleet. Flagships have corresponding flagship skills that affect the entire fleet.
2) By default, the Command System of all blueprints will have the "Focus Fire" flagship skill.
2. Added additional effects that are applied when the version number of blueprints changes.
1.Optimized visual effect of Lagrange Network
2.Optimized visual effect during newbie's guide
3.Adjusted the registration rules of Pioneer System Agreement;When the registration is to be cancelled by orgs, the cancellation should be done before the last 4 hours of the registration period; While the cancellation by individuals is all available before the registration ends.
1. Optimized underlying logics of "Aggressive Strategic Defense" in City Defense Strategies
2. Opens Lagrange Galactic Character Record Activity
Listen to the audiobook of Lagrange Galactic Character Record No.834 - Marco, Fairy Tale Writer of The 1001 Galaxies and get reward by daily log-in.
3. New type of quest is added to Dawn Exploration Agreement Systems
4. Added "Explorer Central District" at Antontas in the Hub System
1.Added a customizable image macro function
Players can upload images or collect other players' image macros for their own custom emoticons, and use them in the Union channel, in Union group channels and in their personal mail.
2.Added battle report statistics for reinforced fleets
3.Optimized the default viewing angle of the Base's docked fleets
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
1. The Beacon Festival event is now available to explorers who have their Base expanded to Zone 2 at least once during their exploration in any star system.
Event Duration: 2022/1/26 09:00 UTC to 2022/2/9 00:00 UTC
2. Added a new ship livery "Flickering Beacon"at the Livery Store.
New features and adjustments for some star systems:
The official release of a new ship blueprint: Marshal Crux Carrier.
New features and adjustments for all the star systems:
The Base Reconstruction function is now available in all the star systems
New features and adjustments for some star systems:
Added the Research Agreement feature
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed an issue that caused the wrong Attack Cycle of weapons after they locked onto targets again in some cases.
2. Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect calculation of the Damage stats in the Union's Honor Rankings.
1. Added a feature to quickly configure aircraft.
2. Added the Tech Point Restoration Technology items for exchange on the Development Rating Rewards screen.
3. Bug Fixes.
The updates are as follows:
1. Unlocked new features for the Lagrange Network:
2. Optimized the target-selection mechanism of the aircraft.
3. Added the Union group chatting feature:
4.Bug Fixes.
The updates are as follows:
1. Adjustments on the weapon Attack Priority of some ships:
2. Optimized the descriptions of the enhancement options for some ships' weapon systems, with their combat performance unchanged.
3. Optimized the way to remove reinforcing ships from the fleets that received reinforcements after returning to the Base.
4. Bug Fixes.
The updates are as follows:
New features and adjustments for all star systems:
1. Added the Tech Point Restoration feature and related items.
2. Combat Mechanism Adjustments.
3. Game Balance Adjustments.
4. Adjustments for some star systems.
5. Bug Fixes
The updates are as follows:
1. Proxima Centauri Day Event:
2. Game Balance Adjustments:
3. Optimized the performance description for some blueprints:
4. Opened new street areas in the Pioneers Port of the City of Antontas in the hub star system.
5. Added new quests issued by Space Cities.
The updates are as follows:
1. Optimized the UI of gathering intel
2. Optimized the UI of Weapon Adjustment
3. Added new quests issued by Space Cities
The updates are as follows:
1. Opening of the Dawn Celebration Event:
2. City defense fleets will be dispatched from Space Cities under attack to counterattack surrounding enemies:
3. Added Union Prestige Point Rules
The updates are as follows:
1. New docking points have been found in the Lagrange Network
2. Added new Galactic Event chapters
3. Added a server-opening event "Exploration Campaign"
4. Adjustments on the Spear of Uranus:
5. Adjusted the time required for Tech Point research.
The updates are as follows:
1. Added the feature to divide Union members into groups
2. Ship Model Optimization & Balance Adjustments
3. Adjusted the defensive weapons at the Base
4. Added new quests issued by Space Cities.
The updates are as follows:
1. Adjustments on Battle EXP Calculation Rules:
2. Added new quests issued by Space Cities
3. Optimized the Newbie Guide
4. Optimized the animation effects when ammunition didn't hit in ship battles in the tactical view.
The content of this update includes:
1. Optimization of the game's performance
The content of this update includes:
1. Optimization of the game's performance
The content of this update includes:
1. Optimization of the game's performance
The content of this update includes:
1. Optimization of the game's performance